OCD Cleaners | Earth Day Launch

OCD Cleaners | Earth Day Launch

After last year’s successful pop-up launch at Bodega LA, OCD Cleaners became an instant favorite among locals in the LA scene.


Presented as part of a dry cleaners-themed build-out, the display was a natural fit next to Bodega’s trademark corner store installation, adding immediate context to the brand. Here patrons of Bodega LA could discover the space and the brand organically, and try on unique, 1-of-1 garments designed and produced by OCD Cleaners.


OCD Cleaners is a labor of love, and the unique vision of Isaiah Bond whose found, reimagined and upcycled design process gives the brand its signature style. Bond believes that all of the energy and love he puts into the creation of his garments connects with people in individual ways and personal levels— and It’s that special reaction and priceless look on people’s faces that fuels his work. Extremely labor intensive, each of Isaiah’s pieces takes hours to create— and that doesn’t even include sourcing the materials. Beyond his work as the founder/designer of OCD Cleaners, Isaiah also serves as GM of Bodega LA and a proud father of 3 beautiful daughters. These multiple layers of responsibilities leaves him with no choice but to tackle projects at night, sometimes working well into the morning to get the job done, handcrafting each garment in his workshop, living room and backyard.

“My family keeps me going and is the driving force,” says Bond. “Fatherhood has taught me patience and inspired me to build something that can give me the road map to teach my girls to work hard to overcome fears and obstacles in life.”

A little background on the brand:


OCD Cleaners was built off of selling vintage clothes. Growing up with financially conservative parents, Isaiah grew up in thrift stores. But that same thing he hated as a kid, he later learned to appreciate, ultimately using it as the motivation behind his clothing line. At first, selling vintage clothing was something he did for extra income, but eventually it led to a love for upcycling and recrafting vintage garments.

When you work in fashion, you are able to see first hand the amount of waste contributed by the industry. This created a passion and conscious approach to buying clothes. The majority of Bond’s wardrobe is made up of thrift and vintage clothes. He mixes in some new pieces here and there, but always finds a way to donate or upcycle into the collection. Some of his favorite pieces are constructed directly from his own closet, and he’s always conscious of how each scrap of fabric can be creatively incorporated back into the brand.


As the OCD Cleaners continues to evolve, the label has seamlessly begun incorporating graphic tees, sweatshirts and hoodies as part of their offerings.

“The goal is to continue to tell the OCD Cleaners story through the medium that sparked the love for being a vintage connoisseur, graphic t-shirts. Working in streetwear most of my adult life, I’ve always admired brands that put out graphics that told a story with multiple layers of meaning, leaving the customer with a to decipher like an encrypted message.”


Inspired by Isaiah’s love for nature, travel and his Louisiana upbringing, Bond’s latest designs each employ a sentimental reverie and respect for his roots, highlighting the special interpersonal relationships along the way.

“OCD was inspired and built off of the unexplained connections with people. ‘Building the Bond’ is a theme we came up with to describe the approach of having strong positive relationships.”


A play on words (as it is Isaiah’s last name), the idea reflects the building of a community while simultaneously growing yourself. This is one of the driving forces of the brand— the interconnectivity that exists between all living things. You learn more when you slow down and observe—like tossing a cigarette that starts a forest fire or throwing away plastic that ends up in the ocean. Treating others the way you would like to be treated. The examples are endless.

OCD Cleaners has always held sustainability as the cornerstone of its ethos. If you don’t care about the environment, it's like not caring about the people you love. Being a father is another part of wanting to make continuous efforts towards a more conscious approach to living. Every parent wants to see their children grow up and live on a safe and healthy planet.


While we work on finding that perfect balance of releasing upcycled, one-of-a-kind designs alongside limited runs of new products, OCD Cleaners main goal remains to stay environmentally conscious.


Recently OCD Cleaners joined the ranks of Bodega’s regularly stocked brands, sitting proudly next to labels like Cav Empt, Needles, Kapital Country and EG. But with the temporary nationwide closure of stores due to health concerns from COVID-19, OCD Cleaners has made the decision to pivot and launch their new t-shirt collection on qqsquote.buzz. This move will be a permanent one, and will finally give those interested fans outside the LA area their chance to obtain pieces from the collection. By extending their product to the world, OCD Cleaners hope to continue to build the community.